Discover Thigh Lifts: Sculpted Legs with Confidence in Istanbul

Thigh Lift in turkey for 2023

A Thigh Lift Istanbul is a procedure that removes excess skin on the thighs and buttocks. The main goal of that surgery is to give you a slimmer, firmer appearance.

Several thighplasty procedures are available, depending on the amount of skin excess and your preferences. While they all have the same purpose, they differ in technique and recovery time.

What Is Thigh Lift Istanbul Surgery?

The procedure is also called thighplasty and is usually performed on women who have lost weight. The excess skin and fat around their thighs are removed to give them a more toned and sculpted appearance.

Different Types Of Thigh Lift Surgery?

Four types of thighplasty surgeries exist:

Mini thigh lift

This surgery, performed under local or general anesthesia, involves making incisions from the back of the leg’s hairline to the buttock area. The surgeon removes excess skin, tightens the remaining skin, and secures it with dissolvable stitches. Ideal for those with minimal skin looseness and extra thigh fat.

Lateral leg lift surgery

This procedure can be outpatient and lasts 1-2 hours under local anesthesia. However, if combined with other treatments, some may require an overnight stay. It is suitable for individuals with loose skin on the outer thighs.

Anterior leg lift surgery

The most common type involves removing excess skin from the front of the thighs. It may be combined with other procedures like laser lipo or fat transfer. The surgery takes about two hours under general anesthesia, with incisions made along the inner thighs.

Medial Thigh Lift Istanbul

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Incisions are made from below the knee to above the groin, removing a wedge-shaped piece of tissue between the inner thighs to slim their appearance. Typically, it takes about one hour under local or general anesthesia.

Recovery usually requires one night in the hospital and several days at home to resume normal activity. HayatMed Clinic in Istanbul/Turkey, offers experienced plastic surgery with satisfactory results at an affordable cost, as per patient evaluations.

HayatMed Clinic, located in Istanbul/Turkey, is highly experienced in performing plastic surgery. Based on patients’ evaluations, we offer satisfactory results at an affordable cost. We offer a free consultation on WhatsApp.

Lift With Liposuction

Liposuction is the most common Thigh Lift Istanbul procedure in Turkey. Surgeons use it to remove fat from the inner and outer thighs, buttocks, upper legs, and abdomen. While it eliminates fat cells, it doesn’t tighten or remove excess skin. This helps in weight loss and improves thigh appearance simultaneously.

Inner Thigh Lift

An inner thigh lift, also known as a medial thigh lift, targets excess skin and fat in the inner thigh area to create a smoother, more toned look. It’s popular among those who’ve lost weight or experienced aging. This procedure tightens the skin and underlying tissues for a more youthful contour.

Scarless Thigh Lift

A scarless thigh lift, also called minimally invasive thigh lift or thighplasty, uses advanced technologies like laser or radiofrequency energy to tighten skin and tissues without large incisions. It offers significant improvements with shorter recovery times and less visible scarring compared to traditional surgery.

How Do I Prepare For Thighplasty Surgery?

How Do I Prepare For Thighplasty Surgery new ff

Your surgeon will advise you on the essential steps for a safe and successful thigh lift:

  • Stop smoking, alcohol, and caffeine intake at least one week before surgery.
  • Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, or blood thinners for at least two weeks before the procedure.
  • Discontinue birth control pills three months before surgery and halt hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for the same duration.
  • Refrain from antacids 24 hours before surgery to avoid anesthesia interference.

These medications can increase bleeding during or after surgery by affecting platelets, which help clot formation. They can also intensify bruising around the incision site by constricting capillaries that carry oxygenated blood, especially under the skin’s surface.

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Plastic Surgeries in Turkey At Best Prices

Our packages cover medical fees, hospital stays, airport transfers, and personal host services for a seamless experience.

How Is leg lift surgery Performed?

Thighplasty surgery, done in a hospital under general anesthesia, typically lasts about two hours, allowing you to return home the same day.

Procedure steps:

  1. Assess patient readiness and discuss anesthesia.
  2. The surgeon makes cuts in the inner thigh or groin.
  3. Excess skin and fat are removed to reshape the thigh.
  4. Sometimes, muscles are tightened for better contour.
  5. The surgeon seals the cut with sutures or staples.
  6. Application of dressings and compression garments.
  7. Patient monitoring and post-op care instructions.

Recovery After Thighplasty

Recovery After Thighplasty new

After a thigh lift, your recovery time varies based on the treated areas. If it’s one area like the inner or outer thigh, you may leave the hospital within a day or two.

During the initial week, expect:

  • Immediate Recovery: 
  • Medications for pain relief.
  • Crucial rest in the first days.
  • Wear compression Garments to reduce swelling.
  • Avoid strenuous activities.
  • Follow incision care instructions.
  • Regular check-ups with your surgeon.
  • Expect some Swelling and bruising, but it will decrease over time.

What Activity Can I Perform While Recovering From The Thigh Lift Procedure?

In most cases, patients can return home after 24 hours with minimal assistance—but they should avoid strenuous activity until their stitches have dissolved. 

Your doctor may recommend wearing compression garments over incisions after surgery. This helps reduce swelling and improve healing time. 

Regarding exercise, It’s best not to go too hard too soon! Light walking is fine for two weeks after surgery, but anything more intense than that might cause more damage than good.

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What Are The Potential Side Effects?

Before undergoing a thighplasty procedure, you should be aware of several potential side effects. These include:

  1. Swelling, 
  2. bruising, 
  3. Pain.
  4. Infection 
  5. Scarring of the incisions.
  6. Skin discoloration may occur if your skin has been removed during the procedure and will resolve over time once it has healed. 

That may also cause skin loss in certain areas with a lot of excess fat or skin present during surgery. If your surgeon notices significant wounds after surgery, they must drain these so that healing can begin immediately.

Thighplasty Risks

Thighplasty Risks new dd

Before undergoing this surgery, it’s important to understand its risks. Some potential risks include:

  • Poor wound healing: Especially in areas where there’s a lot of rubbing.
  • Leg swelling: Usually temporary but can rarely be permanent.
  • Permanent scarring: Depending on the technique used.
  • Changes in skin sensation.
  • Blood clots.
  • Asymmetry: This can occur because of uneven fat and skin removal.
  • Poor outcomes.

All surgeries carry common risks like infection or adverse reactions to anesthesia. Complications vary based on the procedure’s complexity and the surgeon’s experience.

Choosing a skilled plastic surgeon is crucial for achieving desired results and avoiding unexpected side effects.

According to patient evaluations, HayatMed Clinic in Istanbul/Turkey, offers highly experienced plastic surgery with satisfactory results at affordable costs.

Thigh Lift Istanbul results

At HayatMed Clinic in Turkey, we specialize in thigh lifts. Our skilled surgeons and advanced facilities offer precise results, resulting in tighter, firmer thighs that boost confidence and comfort. 

Our techniques reduce scarring, whether from weight loss or aging, ensuring natural-looking outcomes. Trust HayatMed for top-quality thigh lift surgery that enhances your appearance and well-being!

Plastic Surgeries in Turkey At Best Prices

Our packages cover medical fees, hospital stays, airport transfers, and personal host services for a seamless experience.

Thigh lift cost in the UK & USA

Thigh lift cost in the UK & USA new

Thighplasty costs vary widely depending on factors like geographical location, surgeon expertise, facility fees, and the extent of the procedure. On average, Thighplasty can range from $4,000 to $10,000.

In the United States, a thigh lift price is between $2,000 and $10,000, depending on the surgeon’s fees and the type of procedure chosen. To save money, research different providers before making a decision and consider working with an experienced plastic surgeon who can offer personalized care at an affordable price.

In the United Kingdom, the cost of a leg lift surgery varies based on factors like age, weight, and surgeon choice. On average, it’s around £3,874, excluding VAT and other fees.

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Why Do You Prefer a Thigh Lift Istanbul

Many choose Istanbul for leg lift surgery because of its top-notch medical facilities, skilled surgeons, and lower surgery costs. Being in Istanbul allows patients to receive excellent care and experience the city’s rich culture during recovery. 

In summary, opting for thigh lift surgery in Turkey provides quality treatment, affordability, and a chance to explore a vibrant city. An all-inclusive package costs around €3200 in Istanbul.

How Much Does A Thigh Lift Cost In Turkey? 

In Turkey, thigh lift costs range from $1,000 to $5,000, depending on the surgeon’s expertise and reputation. Your chosen procedure and insurance coverage also influence the cost. 

For complex procedures or concerns about complications, opt for a highly skilled surgeon in your area for confident and smooth surgery.

What Can Thighplasty Surgery Achieve?

Thigh lifts in Turkey can help eliminate excess skin, fat, and cellulite. They are also often used to treat stretch marks that have developed in the thighs over time.

The procedure will remove the excess skin on your thighs and give you a smoother, shapelier look. 

The correction depends on your body type and what issues you want corrected. However, thighplasty surgery can also reduce large pockets of fat under the skin (liposuction).

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Thigh Lift Turkey can boost confidence and help women feel more comfortable in their skin, achieving a slimmer and toned look. Many opt for Thighplasty as part of their body contouring goals because of their beneficial results and fast recovery. 

Prompt and thorough treatment of injuries ensures a smooth healing process and prevents any issues with your body afterward.

Thigh Lift Istanbul FAQs

The incisions are strategically placed, hidden in leg creases and under the buttocks. Scars may take months to fade, with a fine, white line along the leg that gradually vanishes over a year or more.

After the surgery, limit activity for several weeks but return to work in 1-2 weeks. Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise for a few months, resuming exercise after a month, but avoid strenuous activities for six weeks.
Please don’t overdo it to prevent swelling and bruising. Staying moderately active enhances blood circulation, reduces fluid retention, and aids healing. Consult your surgeon for personalized guidance on post-surgery activity.

Liposuction can complement a thighplasty by targeting the inner and outer thighs and the buttock area. Discuss combining both procedures with your surgeon to plan efficiently and avoid surgery time conflicts.

The results can last for years, but factors like weight gain and pregnancy can stretch skin and sag. Significant weight gain during pregnancy may necessitate further surgery post-childbearing.

After the surgery, sit with care, using a cushion or pillow for support under your thighs. Avoid crossing your legs, which can strain incisions, and opt for a neutral, comfortable position.

Wear loose, comfortable clothing to prevent friction on incisions. Your surgeon may recommend compression garments to aid healing and reduce swelling.

Yes, a lower body lift typically includes the thighs, addressing excess skin and fat in the lower body, including the thigh area.

A tummy tuck primarily focuses on the abdominal area and does not directly address the thighs. However, a lower body lift or thigh lift may be combined with a tummy tuck for comprehensive body contouring.

Sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees to minimize tension on the thigh incisions. Avoid side-sleeping to prevent irritation.

The surgery is typically considered a cosmetic procedure and is not covered by insurance. However, exceptions may apply if medically necessary due to significant weight loss or other health concerns.

While the surgery can improve the appearance of the thighs by removing excess skin and fat, it is not specifically designed to treat cellulite. There are other treatments, like cellulite-specific procedures.

About the author

Picture of Binsy George
Binsy George

Binsy brings over 13 years of expertise to the HayatMed Clinic Blog. With a passion for healthcare communication, she has crafted insightful articles that demystify complex medical topics, empowering readers to make informed decisions about their well-being.
Her wealth of experience ensures that each blog post is a reliable source of knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of health and medical advancements.

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This article was Medically reviewed by Dr. Ali Cem OKTAY

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